Meaningful Quotes

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Faithful Friend

"A faithful friend is a strong defense and she who hath found such one hath found a treasure "
A friend is someone that is always there for you, and who always is there to get you out of trouble when you need it. Sometimes the two of you together can create some kind of mischief (the good kind). A real best friend will stick with you through thick and thin, no matter the situation. I can truly tell you what a best friend is because I have one. Every time one of us has man trouble, we always get together to discuss the problem and eat a tub of ice cream. Any time that one of us is having a bad day, we know that we can always call one another to make us feel better, and maybe get a better perspective of the day. We both know we can count on each other even if one of us ends up in jail at 3:00 a.m. to come and bail the other one out. My best friend and I have been friends for 20 years, and I wouldn’t trade the friendship for anything in the world.
One of our favorite pastimes is shopping. We always get together a couple times a year just to go shopping and to go out and eat. One weekend we went all the way to Ohio, just to go shopping. You can never tell about us, we do everything on the spur of the moment, and always game. One never knows what the day will bring, we should always cherish our family and friends. It’s never too late to start telling your loved ones how much they mean to you. If anyone has such a friend as I, that person is very lucky. I read somewhere that a person that does not have one true friend is a lonely person. I believe that is true, because I don’t think that a person can go through life without a friend. I couldn’t imagine my life without my friends, it would make for a miserable life. I’m just thankful that I have her as a friend. Through boyfriends, deaths, births and all the other things that life can throw our way, we have been each other’s true friend.
Submitted by Lisa


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